A Tilt at the online casino
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A Tilt at the online casino

Tilt in a nutshell 

When you watch someone play at a live online casino on Twitch, you’ll notice that some of the gamers don't hesitate to use the word "tilt". For several months now, it's not unusual to hear this word coming out of the mouths of some of the best-known streamers on this platform. Yet tilting is a phenomenon that can have serious consequences for your online casino session, and even for life in general. 

In fact, tilt is a state in which the player begins to lose all his or her ability to think and starts to play very aggressively or much less "safely" than usual. Tilt is a real danger for the player, and it's rare for a player to realize that, if he doesn't manage to recognize the signs quickly enough, he's entering a state that could lead to his downfall. 

The signs of tilt 

Tilt is a way of thinking, reflecting, and playing that is totally different from what we normally experience. Fortunately for gamblers, there are a number of signs that can alert us to the fact that we're tilting, and thus potentially putting ourselves in danger. 

  • Loss of rationality. When a person is in the throes of a tilt, they lose all rationality. Whether it's the way you play, the sums you gamble, or even the choices you make during your sessions at a casino, the loss of rationality is a huge sign that someone is tilting. 

  • No fun at all. If you decide to go to an online casino, it's first and foremost to have a good session, regardless of whether you would emerge as a winner or not. However, if you're in the middle of a tilt, you won't see it that way. In fact, the player won't be able to enjoy the game at all. A big win won't make the player react anymore, and he'll only be present by mimicry and not in full awareness. It's a dangerous state of mind that can lead to the gambler's downfall. 

  • Loss of composure. If you're a normally calm person and your session at your favorite online casino is stressing you out, then it's time to call it a day. In fact, loss of composure and stress are two factors that indicate a person is tilting. Online gambling should remain a pleasure, not a hassle. 

  • Getting excited quickly or excessively. If it's been several minutes now and your balance is still falling and no winnings are coming in, then your brain is most likely beginning to tilt, and you'll start to get increasingly angry. In fact, irritation is a sign that a person is moving from a normal state to one that's tilting. If this is the case, it is vital that you take a step back from the situation. 

How to prevent a tilt? 

Tilt is an emotional and psychological state that plunges the player into a second state. Like many emotional states, tilt has signs that let us know we're not experiencing our usual way of being.  

In light of this, the question pertaining to how to prevent a tilt becomes a legitimate one. Firstly, keep in mind that people who go into this second state are often subject to: 

  • Stress 

  • A long period of bad luck when gambling or playing at an online casino 

  • Players are bored when they play at online casinos, and no longer enjoy playing 

  • Lack of sleep 

In fact, a tilt can be caused by your daily life. You've got a stressful job; you don't get much sleep and you decide to play at the online casino to relax - all these factors combined are likely to lead to a tilt.  

What's more, if you've had a long period of bad luck with gambling, it is important to not chase your losses. Indeed, some people tilt because they lose a lot of money at once. The worst mistake you can make is to try to make up for lost money. Remember, the online casino is always a winner in the long term, and gaming should remain a pleasure, not a means of making money. 

How to react to a tilt in the middle of a session? 

If you've had a tough day and want to unwind at your online casino, that might be a good idea. However, before you play, it would be wise to set yourself several rules: don't lose too much money, don't tilt if you lose, etc. 

Imagine this: The start of your session goes perfectly well; you rack up the winnings and see your balance rise steadily. After more than an hour of play, you hesitate: should you continue playing or should you withdraw your earnings? Thinking that luck is on your side, you decide to raise your balance. However, the wheel seems to have turned and it appears as if you are unable to win any more money. Your balance has dropped considerably and the smile that was once plastered across your face at the start of your session has now become tense and tight. You don't enjoy playing anymore, and you're betting more and more money, even though you have less and less. You become irritable whenever someone tries to explain that it's time to stop. Playing is no longer a pleasure; Rather than having a good session, your only objective now is to win your money back. When you eventually do win money, there's no emotion left. 

What we’ve just described is a perfect example of a person tilting. So, if during one of your sessions you feel that your mental and emotional state is beginning to change, that your session is no longer a pleasure and that you're gambling more and more money, take a step back and simply stop playing. 

Come back to the online casino as soon as you're feeling better, but especially when you've taken a step back and reflected on what was going on inside you at the time. It's essential that playing at online casinos remains fun. 

Some casinos have a responsible gaming policy that can help you in the event of a tilt. This is particularly true with regard to Millionz Casino. 

Tilt and casino addiction: same or different? 

Reading this article, you might think that tilt and casino addiction are two very similar things. But that's not necessarily the case. 

Tilt can lead a person to gamble huge sums, but only on their current gaming session. It's very rare for a person who tilts to take out his or her credit card and play again. Casino addicts, on the other hand, will be desperate to chase their losses. 

Tilt is also a "second" state that leads the player to realize, think, and do things that he or she is not used to doing. However, as soon as the gaming session ends, even if the player is irritated or even frustrated, he or she will return to a normal state a few hours after the session has ended. This is not necessarily the case for a player who is addicted to the casino. In fact, a player who has been "bitten" by the casino will be very upset several hours or even days after his session has ended. Since gambling is such an important part of his life, he won't be able to get out of this state without the help of another entity. 

Tilt, as mentioned in this article, is a state that the player can control. In fact, there are a number of signals that alert players to the fact that they are tilting, and therefore potentially putting themselves at risk for the current session. A person who can't live without the casino won't even think of taking a step back from the situation. The individual who is completely hooked on online casinos will be thinking about slot machines all day long. As soon as they get the chance, they'll play from their cell phone or even their computer. This is not the case for a tilted person. 

Keep in mind that, even if these two things are different from one another, the barrier between them is not very great. Indeed, a non-addictive person who tilts could very easily become an online casino addict. Going the other way, however, is even harder. 

So, if you feel that you're no longer enjoying online casino gambling, that you're playing compulsively, that your finances are deteriorating because of it, we strongly advise you to stop. 

States all over the world are setting up telephone numbers or websites for people who can no longer control their gambling addiction. So, if you feel that you're starting to go over the edge and that the casino may be putting you in danger, we strongly recommend that you turn to one of these institutions. 

A few months ago, Lucky7Bonus published an article on the subject of gambling addiction. To find out more about this life-destroying addiction, don’t hesitate to click here to read it. 

About the authorMelanie Cazenave
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