Casino Roulette Techniques
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Casino Roulette Techniques

There are many roulette techniques available today. Most of them were developed by great philosophers and mathematicians who wanted to try their hand at making a profit with their skills. 

We've decided to compile them in this article for you to discover. Please note that we are in no way promoting these as winning techniques. We're presenting them for your information - The casino will always be a winner, no matter which technique you use. 

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Different ways to play roulette 

  1. The d'Alembert roulette strategy 

  2. The Dutch betting method 

  3. The Zographos method 

  4. The Wells' system 

  5. The Fibonacci method 

  6. The Labouchère method 

  7. The Martingale method 

The d'Alembert roulette strategy 

The principle behind this method is quite simple. It can easily be adapted to the most modest of portfolios, with a fairly low risk rate. If you decide to adopt this technique during your roulette sessions, be patient, as it is very time-consuming

An example will speak for itself. First, you need to decide on a unit bet that will serve as a base. 

For your first bet, you place one unit. If you win, you place your second bet with one unit. On the other hand, if you lose, you'll have to place two units on your second bet.

If the second bet is a winner, you'll reduce your stake to one unit for the next bet. On the other hand, if you lose, you'll have to add another unit for your next bet, and so on. 


The Dutch betting method 

The Dutch betting method is one of the riskiest techniques in roulette. It consists in seeking parity between two opposing odds on a losing progression. If parity is achieved, this technique earns half a bet per move

Here's an example: 


The aim of this technique is to erase the losses of previous moves until parity is achieved between red and black. A brief explanation of each move is in order: 

  1. Losing move - The bet is increased by one (1+1) for the next move. 

  2. Losing move - Keep the same stake for the next move (2) and try to recover the loss of the first move. 

  3. Winning move - The first move has been refunded, and the stake is increased by one (2+1) for the next move, in an attempt to recover the loss of the second move. 

  4. Losing shot - Keep the same stake for the next shot (3) and try to recover the loss of the second shot. 

  5. Losing shot - Keep the same stake for the next shot (3) and try to recover the loss of the second shot. 

  6. Winning move - The second move has been refunded, so we increase the stake by one (3+1) for the next move and try to recover the loss of the fourth move. 

  7. Losing move - The same stake (4) is kept for the next move and the loss of the fourth move is recovered. 

  8. Winning move - The fourth move has been refunded, keep the same stake for the next move (4) and try to recover the loss of the fifth move. 

  9. Winning move - The fifth move has been refunded, increase the stake by one (4+1) for the next move and try to recover the loss of the seventh move. 

  10. Winning move - The seventh move has been refunded and parity has been achieved. During this series of 10 moves, we obtained five reds and five blacks with a profit of five units. This gives us a profit of half a bet per move made. 

Be careful, the parity you're looking for may take some time to achieve. When parity has been reached, we advise you to start again from scratch and not to continue with the same bets you had at the moment of parity. 

The Zographos method 

This technique is one of the "safest" when it comes to roulette strategy. It's equally suited to small and large wallets. In fact, you don't need to increase your stake for every move you make, but rather keep it the same for every move you make. 

The Zographos method is a technique played in 24 moves divided into eight sequences of three moves. 

Here's an example: 

The first sequence is an observation sequence: 

  • 1st move: Black, not played 

  • 2nd move: Black, not played 

  • 3rd move: Red, not played 

In the second sequence, you must repeat the previous sequence, this time betting your unit bet on each move: 

  • 4th move: Black. Black played, winning move 

  • 5th move: Red. Black played, losing move 

  • 6th move: Red. Red played, winning move 

After the first two sequences have passed, you'll need to bet according to the dominant color, overlapping the moves in each sequence: 

  • Move 7: Red. Black dominant played, losing move 

  • Move 8: Black. No dominant, not played 

  • Move 9: Red. Red dominant played, winning move 

For the fourth sequence, we'll use the same pattern of play, but with the addition of the pattern from the third sequence: 

  • Move 10: Red. Black dominant played, losing move 

  • 11th move: Black. Black dominant played, winning move 

  • 12th move: Red. Dominant red played, winning move 

And so on until you reach 24 moves and the eighth sequence. When the 24 moves have been reached, just start again at 0 with the first observation sequence.  

Some players, in an attempt to increase their winnings, add a betting unit to each sequence. Of course, we don't recommend this. 

The Wells roulette system 

This roulette technique is used with a table of 9 bets: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (starting bet), 6, 7, 8, 9. The first bet is therefore 5 bet units. After that, we'll decrease the bet by one unit when we win and increase it by one unit when we lose, without ever exceeding 9 bet units. 

Here's an example: 

15 unitsLoss-5
26 unitsWin+1
35 unitsWin+6
44 unitsLoss+2
55 unitsWin+7
64 unitsWin+11
73 unitsWin+14
82 unitsWin+16
91 unitsWin+17

In this example, we have reached the smallest bet of this technique. It's better to start again from the beginning when we reach the bets at the end of the board (1 or 9) and if this one loses. This allows you to control your game and avoid losing everything. 

The Fibonacci roulette method 

As the name suggests, this roulette technique is based on the well-known "Fibonacci sequence". This mathematical sequence looks like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, ... To some, this sequence may look like a puzzle, but it's not as complicated as all that.  

In fact, each digit in the sequence is the sum of the two preceding digits. If we take the fifth number in the sequence, 5, it is the sum of the two preceding numbers. In this case: 3 and 2. 

How are we going to apply this mathematical sequence to a roulette technique? Each number in the sequence represents a betting unit. So, we'll start our game with one betting unit, since the first number in the sequence is 1. If we win, we don't change anything and start again with the first number. 

On the other hand, if the move is a losing one, we add another number to the sequence, giving us a stake of 2 units for the next move. As we progress through the sequence, when a move wins, we'll have to remove the previous two digits

An example is much easier to understand: 


If you decide to play with this roulette technique, beware. As you can see, it's easy to lose your way, and the sums involved can be astronomical. You'll need to start with small stakes, and not go straight for the sauce with your first bet, or you'll break very quickly. 

The Labouchère roulette method 

The Labouchère method is very similar to the Fibonacci method. It uses a sequence system, but this time not based on a mathematical rule. You'll have to choose a sequence of increasing numbers and add up the ends to obtain your first bet. 

If you win, you remove the first and second numbers from the sequence, and then place a new bet based on the new numbers. If the move is a losing one, we add the sum of the ends at the end of the sequence. This gives us a new end to our sequence. 

To illustrate, here's an example with a defined sequence (1-2-3-4-5-6): 

17 unitsLoss1-2-3-4-5-6-7
28 unitsWin1-2-3-4-5-6-7+1
38 unitsLoss2-3-4-5-6-7
410 unitsLoss2-3-4-5-6-17
512 unitsWin2-3-4-5-6-8-10+5
611 unitsWin3-4-5-6-8+6
710 unitsWin4-5-6+16

Be careful with this technique, which is just as dangerous, if not more so, than the Fibonacci method. As you can see, you can very quickly generate huge losses in just a few moves.  

So, if you decide to utilize this method, start your sequence with a low number and a small sequence

The Martingale method 

This roulette technique is undoubtedly the best known of all. And quite rightly so, since it requires no intellectual skill or memorization. The principle is simple: Decide on a single bet that will act as the basis of your session.  

If your move wins, nothing changes, and you can continue with that bet. On the other hand, if you lose, you'll have to double your stake until you win. 

Here's an example: 

11 unitLoss-1
22 unitLoss-3
34 unitLoss-7
48 unitLoss-15
516 unitLoss-31
632 unitLoss-63
764 unitWin+1
81 unitWin+2
91 unitLoss+2
102 unitWin+2

This technique is one of the most dangerous for your bankroll: If the seventh move had resulted in a loss like the previous ones, there would have been a deficit of 127 betting units in just seven moves.  

And all this for very little potential gain! Regardless of the level at which you win your bet, its profit will always be one betting unit. 

It's also important to remember that the Martingale method is forbidden in both land-based and online casinos. Most online casinos forbid it in their terms of use.  

If it's not forbidden online, you're limited by the fact that each roulette table has a maximum bet. So, if you increase the stakes, you won't be able to exceed a certain limit. 

Bidule's roulette techniques 

As you know, Bidule loves roulette and has developed some crazy roulette techniques. There's no mathematical research behind his techniques, he just tries to play with extreme volatility so he can blow up his balance and have a great casino session. 

The Bidulation 

This technique has been with Bidule since its early days in the online casino world. There is no particular pattern to the value of the bets, but a pattern to their positioning.  

Bidule bets on every possible bet between 0 and 9, including full numbers, squares, and straddles. At first, he also played sixains and douzaines to increase his potential winnings, but over time he decided to remove these bets. 

In this cluster, three numbers will be boosted: 3, 5, and 7

The Taour 

As the name suggests, this technique was invented by the streamer Taour. This technique is, as Taour says, a drawing that keeps evolving so that it gives a beautiful shape to the numbers. 

Taour is a friend of Bidule, who doesn't hesitate to come and see him on his live shows and encourage him to play his famous technique.

The triple 7 

If you're a regular of Bidule's streams, you're probably aware that he loves the number 7! And understandably so, since 7 is a beautiful number. 

This technique involves betting on three numbers that contain 7's: 7, 17, and 27


Here's a technique created by Bidule not so long ago. This technique consists of playing the full bets from 4 to 9 as well as the two squares in this sequence. There's no particular value to put forward, but the ideal is to play triple or even quadruple the full bets in squares. 


As stated in the introduction, this article is for information purposes only. All these techniques could be perfect, but there's one element that dismantles them ALL! And yes, we're talking about that little factor that gives the casino the edge: The 0

This 0 gives the casino a slight edge, lowering the probability of winning to 48.64% on a 1:1 payout ratio (instead of 50% if the 0 didn't exist). All these techniques have been developed without taking the number 0 into account. 

We therefore advise you to be VERY CAREFUL if you decide to play these mathematical techniques. To test them out, we've set up several roulette games on our site. 

About the authorMelanie Cazenave
63 articles
✅ Reviewed by Head of Content
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A specialist in online casinos, she also loves proofreading. With her, it's impossible for mistakes to slip through the cracks. A true lover of letters, she binds articles and retouches them to make them as perfect as possible.

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